Tests for career guidance & stream selection
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Grade 9/10
Innate Pro Stream Identifier Assessment

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Grade 11/12
Innate Pro Aptitude Assessment
A. Engineering Domain

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B. Humanities Domain

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C. Commerce Domain

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D. Medical/Life Sciences Domain

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Test for All
For students of all classes

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What sort of person are you?

To help you decide what to study in classes 10,11 and 12, it's a good idea to start asking yourself what sort of person you are:

• Think about what you're like at home, as well as in school - what skills have you developed outside school?
• Ask yourself what types of things you enjoy doing the most - for example, working things out and thinking them through, practical activities or artistic options like painting, drawing or performing music?
• Think about what you are most interested in: it could be languages, writing projects, helping people, being outdoors or designing things?

Choosing the subjects you need

If you know what career you want, choosing the right subjects can be critical. For example, if you are considering following an engineering & technology pathway you will need to select the Physics-Chemistry-Mathematics Core subjects.

Choosing the subjects you like and are good at

Nearly everyone performs better when they are doing something they enjoy and are good at. You should take this into account, but always keep in mind your preferred course or career when you leave school.

Interests and Aptitude

You may already know what you hope to do after your Grade 12. Although it may be too early to make final career decisions, you may have an idea of the broad area, which interests you, for example, clerical, active, social, practical, scientific or artistic for example. Some subjects will be more relevant to each area.